Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Angry Birds (Playstation Network) (2011)

Eons ago, or as them young people say, a fortnight ago, while I was frequenting the nearby happening discothèque, an inebriated fellow was prattling on about his iPhone as all iPhone owners do and he told me the only reason he bought it was to play Angry Birds. Now, he may have been joking or exaggerating, but if true, then Angry Birds must be serious business if someone is willing to pay over £200 for a phone that Apple will eventually make obsolete within a week just to play one game. I know many people buy a console just to play one game and eventually play more, but still consoles have a long life before being replace by a successor whereas Apple make their products obsolete the minute they release them. Therefore, I got the game, but not on the iPhone. Because I am a free spirited rebel who doesn’t do what the Man tells me, so I downloaded it onto my PS3, which is so deliciously counterintuitive to the idea of portable casual games; like putting ketchup on your Lobster Thermidor.