Friday, 28 January 2011

Shoot 'Em Up (2007)

The shoot ‘em up (or shmup) is one of my favourite genres of video games because of their almost unforgiving arcade challenge and their simplicity. Coincidentally, the Michael Davis film Shoot ‘Em Up has become one of my favourite action films. Why? Because it is just so goddamn insane and tries to be nothing more than a balls-to-the-wall action flick with gun fights that are so erotic, you could call it ‘gunsploitation’.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Mist (2007)

The Mist is another film adapting itself from a Stephen King novel and….that’s not really that bad since many films based on Stephen King books are good, but it has to fall upon the director to make it good. In this case; it’s Frank Darabont, nominated for three Academy Awards and a Golden Globe and known for writing for the 1988 remake of The Blob and The Fly II, but also known for directing the brilliant The Shawshank Redemption and the OK Green Mile. So with good source material and a credible director who works well with that certain source material, how can it fail?

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Blade Runner (1982)

Out of all the film genres I enjoy, my most favourite has to be Science Fiction, or Sci-Fi, and its subgenres. I enjoy the classic golden age of cinema Sci-Fi films that either make the year 2000 the most futuristic and technologically advance we will ever get, with hover cars and space travel being similar to a road trip or a B-movie where the aliens are a thin sheeted allegory for "Godless Communists" and I equally enjoy recent Sci-Fi films that are usually bleak and dystopian, where aliens are barely serving our space bars, let alone trying to conquer the Earth. But my most favourite of the Sci-Fi genre has to be the ‘smart Sci-Fi’ film, a visually stunning and entertaining Sci-Fi film that is also intelligent and thought provoking, a film that says to you, “I know you’re intelligent, so I’m not going pander down to you with flashy secial effects like you're some retarded magpie”.
One film that is constantly associated with this subgenre is Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. A smart epic Sci-Fi with an exciting atmosphere, an intelligent premise and the acting talents of Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer all tossed together and it was brilliant.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Analysing Rambo: Representation of Men and Ideologies in the Action Genre

This was my final essay for my Media Studies class, I piece I'm proud of since it gave me a B, amounts of praise from the tutor and my A-Level qualification which is yet to be use in any way. Anyway, take a read, say what you think and give me some constructive criticism (that sings my praise)....

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

How does one define a film like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World? It such a different film, taking on the tried and tested story of love and discovery, and fills it in-between with surreal humour, lovable characters, strange plot, kinetic and impressive fights, wonderful dialogue and everything that every great films do right.
I already had high expectations for this film considering its director, Edgar Wright, is a man whose previous works I have thoroughly enjoyed. But did it live up to those expectations, hypothetical question mark?

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Top Thirteen Worst Film Sequels

Sequels are the natural enemy of all fans of originality, only occasionally will they allow one to past but usually a sequel is so fucking heinous or unnecessary to the series that they need to and must tear it apart, which is exactly what I am doing here. Well, that and belittling my previous article/post/random jibber-jabber. And there are so many terrible sequels that I am compelled to show off my manliness and massive balls by counting down the THIRTEEN worst film sequels of all time (or just today), why thirteen? Because I have balls of steel. So let’s venture into this horrible and degenerate land:

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Top Ten Film Sequels that are better than the original film

When studio executives say ‘sequel', you hear ‘better start building the coffin’ and when they say ‘straight-to-DVD’ you're at the wake grieving at the loss of a promising or great franchise while also getting drunk and seeing if a combination of alcohol and grief make certain people's pants very easy to get in to. Erm, the point is that sequels are usually just awful for many reasons; different actors, different director, different themes, disregarding continuity and mischaracterisations. But once in a blue moon, a sequel will not only be good but better that the original..... did you hear that? That is the sound of zombies coming into your area because your MIND WAS JUST BLOWN!!! And this countdown is to prove my claim, so let’s begin: